Monday, April 5, 2010

libya crash

Today on May 12, 2010 a Libyan plane crashed while trying to land in Libya.     The airline was Afriqiya Airways crashed carrying 104 passengers aboard flight 771 from Johannesburg to Tripoli just short of the Tripoli airport this morning.  Libyan transport minister Mohamed Zidan confirmed that at least 96 people died in the crash, but said a Dutch child had survived. There were no signs of any other survivors.  This crash is a terrible tragedy.  Adults and children alike died in this crash.  With summer so close teenagers get very antsy about the upcoming season.  For normal children, summer is the highlight of their year and therefore their adolescent lives.  but a tragedy like this can really put things into perspective.  American teenagers are a very selfish breed. we talk the talk but we cant walk the walk.  we say we want to help people but compared to what we could do we "don't do shit."  This tragedy is another cause that will get publicity for a couple of weeks and then be left in the dust like all other causes that America aids but is not directly involved with.  We as a nation need to use our power for good instead of evil.  instead of bombing and killing nations we should unite and restore peace, giving aid to those countries in need.  its our patriotic duty.  

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