Wednesday, March 3, 2010

keep it coming

2010 has been a tough year and we're only two months in.  Natural disaster has hit the world not once but twice.  First in Haiti, then in Chile.  Both of these nations  were hit with terrible earthquakes,  that devastated these nations.  In Haiti the death toll reached record highs and tore apart cities, leaving the economy in shambles.  In Chile tragically a similar story is the case.  The U.S. did an amazing job in relief efforts.  Our efforts reached a record high in financial and physical support.  The media did a great job of keeping the U.S. updated on the current situations of the countries.  but it has been a little while since the earthquakes.  Interest is starting to be lost.  Chile and Haiti are going to need support for a long time, long after the news media stops broadcasting them.  N.C. did an amazing job in haiti relief, but we have to keep going.  we have to keep the support coming, just because the news stops covering these countries doesn't mean they don't need aid anymore.  In fact they now need more support since the media isn't covering them anymore.  Keep the world relief aid coming.